
James Waterfield
Senior Developer he/him
James is primarily a backend developer specialising in Python and PHP. He also has frontend experience developing with JavaScript libraries and frameworks such as React and Next.js. He has a keen interest in machine learning and how it has the potential to have a positive impact within the digital humanities.
James has worked with multiple clients including the Yiddish Book Center, Kings College London on the Visual Commentary on Scripture, and the Natural History Museum of Denmark. James has been instrumental in developing Cogapp Refinery Services and related collections data processing and enrichment tools. Most recently he has been leading the way in terms of linking client material with external sources such as Wikidata and the Crossref API.
Being a physics geek, James initially became passionate about data and code whilst studying elusive tiny particles called neutrinos a mile underground on the SNO+ experiment in Canada. Since joining Cogapp he has enjoyed transferring and developing those skills further within the humanities and arts sectors.
Outside of work you may see James attending noisy gigs at one of Brighton’s many music venues 🤘🏻.